I Am

What I feel happy about is creating everyday wonders

Adventure-seeking humanist

7 Wild Facts About Me!

Ahoy, intrepid explorers of the interwebs! Buckle up for a rollercoaster ride through the life of yours truly – a Norwegian adventure junkie with a penchant for customer service wizardry and underwater escapades!

The Nutshell Version (Because Who Doesn’t Love a Good Nutshell?)

Born in the land of fjords and trolls (that’s Stavanger, Norway, for the geographically challenged) in 1971, I’ve been collecting passport stamps like they’re going out of style. From Nordic nooks to Asian crannies (Thailand, Philippines, Indonesia, India) and Down Under, I’ve left no stone unturned – or should I say, no coral reef unexplored?

Career Chaos (In the Best Possible Way!)

Hold onto your hats, folks! My professional journey reads like a Netflix series with too many plot twists:

  1. Pre-2003: Computer whiz in SAS and Norway’s armed forces (because even Vikings need tech support)
  2. Asia/Australia years: PADI Scuba Diving Instructor and Dive Resort Director (fish whisperer extraordinaire)
  3. Post-homecoming: Hotel General Manager (herding cats, I mean, guests)
  4. Consultant Manager at Technogarden AS (gardening with zeros and ones)
  5. Current gig: Customer Service and Ticket Fare Control Manager at Kolumbus AS (turning frowns upside down, one ticket at a time)

For the LinkedIn detectives out there – yes, my full CV is available. Prepare to be dazzled!

Family Circus

I’m the ringleader of a three-ring sibling circus:

  1. Yours truly: The eldest and wisest (or so I like to think)
  2. Kenneth (born 1974): Once my “annoying little brother,” now a personal trainer and dad to the “two cutest kids in the world” (no bias here, folks!)
  3. Katrine (born 1981): The baby sis I owe more quality time to (working on it, sis!)

Passions and Peculiarities (AKA: Why I’m Never Bored)

  1. Music: My playlist is wilder than a rollercoaster – from REM to Vivaldi, Eminem to Louis Armstrong. My ears are equal opportunity employers!
  2. Activism: I’ve worn more hats than a milliner’s shop – from Youth Against Drugs, SV to The Labor Party. Current affiliations: Norwegian Humanist Association, and LO (because why sleep when you can change the world?)
  3. Fitness: Gym rat (SATS Herbarium) turned calisthenics junkie. Frank Medrano is my fitness spirit animal, and gravity is my arch-nemesis!
  4. Diving: Once a PADI instructor, always a fish at heart. The ocean is my second home (no gills… yet)
  5. Blogging: You’re reading this, aren’t you? Gotcha!

The Grand Finale

Opinions about me? Keep ’em coming! I’m like a Norwegian taco – an unexpected mix that somehow works. Love me or scratch your head in confusion, I’m here for it all!

So there you have it – the unabridged, possibly-more-than-you-bargained-for version of moi. If you’ve made it this far, congratulations! You now know more about me than my Facebook algorithm. Feeling brave (or curious)? Drop me a line! Whether you want to chat about the perfect pull-up, the best dive spots in Thailand, or the intricacies of Norwegian politics, I’m all ears (and occasionally fins).

Remember, life’s too short for boring bios and mundane Mondays. Let’s make waves together and turn every day into an unforgettable adventure! 🌊🏋️‍♂️🤿